Can I change my login username?
Yes. A MasterTrack School Administrator or tech-support at MasterTrack can change your login username. Typically your username is your email address, but you can change at any time by contacting a MasterTrack School Administrator or
How do I change my password?
Click on the gear icon at the top right corner of your dashboard screen to access and edit your account information. Select Change Password to edit your password information and click Save Changes when complete.
My name is spelled incorrectly - how can I fix it?
Click on the gear icon at the top right corner of your dashboard screen to access and edit your account information. Simply edit the name fields to update this information and click Save Changes when complete.
What should I do if I forget my password?
If you forget your password, you can reset it anytime. To reset your password, click on Forgot your password? on your login page. Enter your username and a link to reset your password will be sent directly to your email address. If you do not receive an email with a link to reset your password or if you cannot remember your login username, please contact us at
How do I add a class?
Click Add a Class in the QuickLinks section on the right side of your MasterTrack dashboard. Then select your subject, name your class, and add your students.
Tip: If you support more than one class, you can create multiple classes.
How do I move student data?
If you are a MasterTrack Teacher, you will need to contact a MasterTrack School Administrator at your school to move student data.
If you are a MasterTrack School Administrator, click on the Students tab in your menu bar and select Move Students. Select the class you would like to move the student data from and then select which students and what data you would like to move (note that any unmoved data will be deleted). Select the Class you would like to move the data to and select Move to confirm and move the selected data.
How do I import a class list?
If you already have an electronic class list, you can easily import it into MasterTrack. To do so, use the Class toggle on the right side of your menu bar to select the class you would like to import your list into. Then click on the Manage Class tab in your menu bar and select Add/Edit Students. Click on Add Students and select Copy and paste your student list from excel or another document, making sure you have selected the correct toggles to match how your student information is organized. Then copy and paste your list into the large text box, confirm the information transferred correctly, and press Save.
Note, if you have a split class, you will need to adjust grade levels once you have imported your student list.
Can I have more than one class?
Yes. However, a student may only be in one math class at a time.
How do I edit student information?
Simply click on the Manage Class tab in your menu bar and select Add/Edit Students. Select the student for whom you need to edit information and click Edit Student. From here you can edit a student’s first and last name, their student ID, their grade, and their Benchmark grade level.
How do I delete a student?
Simply click on the Manage Class tab on your menu bar and select Add/Edit Students. Select the student you would like to delete and click Remove Student. Type in the word “remove” to confirm removal and click Remove. Note, deleting a student’s data cannot be undone and removes ALL DATA for that student.
What happens if I delete a student?
Generally, deleting student data cannot be undone and removes ALL DATA for that student. However, if you inadvertently remove a student, contact us at and we can try to retrieve the data for you from our backup servers.
How do I share access to my class?
If you work closely with another teacher or have a classroom assistant or other support staff working with your students, you may want to give them shared access to your MasterTrack class. This will allow other educators to view reports and/or enter data, depending on the type of access you give them.
To share account access, click on the Manage Class tab in your menu bar and select Shared Access. Select the user(s) you would like to give shared access to (if they do not appear in the list, select Add User to add them to your list of eligible users). Once you select the user(s) you would like to add, select the type of access you would like them to have:
If you would like to deactivate shared access, simply return to this page to remove or edit your shared access settings.
What are Benchmark Assessments?
MasterTrack’s Benchmark Assessments enable teachers to assess whether students have foundational skills in place as they move through grade level material and beyond. Our Benchmarks assess students on each of the MasterTrack Focus Skills for a given grade level, at a given time. Teachers typically administer our Benchmarks three times a year - beginning, middle, and end of the year. This allows teachers to get a class wide baseline on student mastery of foundational skills. Benchmark Assessments are essentially like administering a complete set of Checkpoints on each of the Focus Skills for a particular grade level.
Where can I find the Benchmark Assessments?
Our Benchmark Assessments can be found in the Benchmarks tab on the MasterTrack menu bar. Most students will take their current grade level Benchmark Assessment (which, at the beginning of the school year, will assess them and core skills from the previous grade level). However, you can choose to administer a Benchmark from a different grade level to select students, if appropriate. To do so, simply select and administer the Benchmark that you feel would be more appropriate for particular students and edit each student’s Benchmark level accordingly in the Manage Classes drop down menu.
How do I administer Benchmark Assessments?
Teachers begin the school year by administering the Benchmark Assessment to every student to gather class/group wide baseline data. We recommend you administer just a few questions a day or a few pages a week to ensure seeing students’ best work. If you prefer, you can also use any of your own assessments so long as they are aligned to the same Benchmark standards. Many teachers gather student feedback online by administering our Benchmark using Google slides or other online mark-up tools or through online assessment programs like XtraMath. However you choose to gather your baseline feedback, MasterTrack allows you to collect it all in one place using our simple 3-point standards-based grading scale.
How do I score Benchmark Assessments?
The MasterTrack program uses standards-based grading. Therefore, all data is filtered through the following lens:
Our Benchmark Assessments provide easy-to-use scoring rubrics for each Benchmark question. If you are using data you gathered from your own assessments or if you are pulling data from another source, you can simply enter it into your Benchmark Scoresheet using the same simple 3-point standards-based grading scale.
How do I enter/edit Benchmark data?
Once you have scored your Benchmarks, you can enter the data by simply clicking on Enter Benchmark Data in the cycle graphic on your dashboard screen. This will take you to your Benchmark Scoresheet where you can simply click and enter your students’ scores. Most teachers score and enter their Benchmark data as they administer it - entering their data a little bit at a time as they gather it. To change or edit any Benchmark data you have entered, simply access your Benchmark Scoresheet again and click on any of the data you need to edit.
Join us for a quick overview of where to access Benchmark Assessments and enter Benchmark Data. (~2 min)
What is an Individual Report?
Individual Reports provide you with an overview of individual student data. These reports are an excellent tool for conferencing with parents and students, in addition to providing an actionable report for any other educators who may be working with your students.
How do I create an Individual Report?
Click on the Reports tab on your menu bar and select Individual Reports. From here you can decide if you would like to generate Individual Reports for every student in your class or for just one student. You can further customize the report to fit your needs by using the tabs to edit what data will be included and how it will be displayed. Once you have customized your settings, click on Generate Report to download and view your report.
What is a Class Report?
Class Reports provide you with an overview of your class or whole group data. These reports will help you identify student learning needs and prioritize your work for your weekly Learning Groups. You can view your Class Report by student – showing you how each student is doing on each standard you have assessed, or by standard – showing you how your entire class is doing on each standard you have assessed.
Class reports by standard will not reveal student names but will give you a sense of how your class is doing groupwide (e.g., 20% of students are indicating mastery, 50% still need to practice, and 30% need teacher support to work towards mastery). You can have this report display these numbers by percentages, student count, or both (see more below).
How do I create a Class Report?
Click on the Reports tab on the menu bar and select Class Reports. Select either By Student or By Standard depending on which type of report you would like to create (see above). You can further customize your report to fit your needs by using the tabs to edit what data will be included and how it will be displayed (e.g., by percent or by student count for reports by standard). Once you have customized your settings, click on Generate Report to download and view your report.
What is a Growth Report?
Growth Reports allow you to easily track growth at any point in the year at the individual level, class wide, or for an entire grade level. These reports are an excellent tool for analyzing effective teaching methods during team meetings and for celebrating growth!
How do I create a Growth Report?
Click on the Reports tab on the teacher menu bar and select Growth Report. Choose the type of Growth Report that you would like to create (Individual, Class, or School). You can further customize your report to fit your needs by using the tabs to edit what data will be included and how it will be displayed. Once you have customized your settings, click on Generate Report to download and view your report.
Can I change the words “Meeting, Approaching, and Below Standard” for Individual Reports?
Yes! Simply click on the Reports Options tab while customizing an Individual Report and select Use custom word descriptions to enter whatever terminology you would prefer to use for those fields (e.g. Got it!, Almost there!, On my way!).
Can MasterTrack generate decimal scores instead of simply a 1, 2, 3? (e.g., 1.9, 2.5, etc.)
Yes! Many teachers find it helpful to turn on decimal reporting so that they can have an even more specific sense of where students are. Simply customize your report by clicking on the Report Options tab and selecting On in the Decimal Reporting toggle.
Can I generate a report to see my data for just one or two standards?
Yes! When you are customizing your report under the Data to Include tab, simply click on the blue text, Advance Data Options. Here, you can browse through the standards you have entered data for and simply turn off/on those standards that fit your reporting needs.
How are scores averaged on reports?
MasterTrack Reports average the 3 most recent scores/data points entered for a given standard. Your Scoresheets display ALL data, but your Reports average the 3 most recent scores.
What is a School Report?
School Reports are an indispensable tool for seeing how classes, grade levels, and entire schools are doing on particular skills. School Reports can be used for collaboration during grade level team meetings, school wide goal setting, and for examining district wide support needs like targeted professional development or other resources districts may want to consider.
How do I create a School Report?
Click on the Reports tab on the teacher menu bar and select School Report. Choose the type of School Report that you would like to create (Entire School or Single Grade). You can further customize your report to fit your needs by using the tabs to edit what data will be included and how it will be displayed. Once you customize your settings, click on Generate Report to download and view your report.
What is a Red Flag Report?
Red Flag Reports allow MasterTrack School Administrators to quickly and easily generate a list of all students falling below a designated overall average. This report is an essential planning tool that can be shared with teachers and intervention teams, ensuring all student needs are being met with precision and intentionality.
How do I create a Red Flag Report?
Click on the Reports tab on the School Administrators menu bar and select Red Flag Report. Choose the type of Red Flag Report that you would like to create (Entire School or Single Grade). You can further customize your report to fit your needs by using the tabs to edit what data will be included and how it will be displayed. Once you customize your settings, click on Generate Report to download and view your report.
What is a Green Flag Report?
Green Flag Reports allow MasterTrack School Administrators to quickly and easily generate a list of all students falling above a designated overall average. This report is an essential planning tool for ensuring that all student needs, including those for extension or enrichment, are being met with precision and intentionality.
How do I create a Green Flag Report?
Click on the Reports tab on the School Administrators menu bar and select Green Flag Report. Choose the type of Green Flag Report that you would like to create (Entire School or Single Grade). You can further customize your report to fit your needs by using the tabs to edit what data will be included and how it will be displayed. Once you customize your settings, click on Generate Report to download and view your report.
Join us for a quick overview of how to generate class reports by Student or by Standard. (~4 min)
What are Checkpoint Assessments?
After working with students on target skills in Learning Groups, you will want to follow up with a Checkpoint Assessment. Checkpoints are like exit tickets that quickly assess students on the specific standard they worked on with three quick questions to check for improved understanding.
Where can I find the Checkpoint Assessments?
To access our bank of Checkpoint Assessments, click on the Checkpoints tab along your MasterTrack menu bar and select Checkpoint Assessments. Select and administer the appropriate Checkpoint for the skill(s) you worked on.
How do I administer Checkpoint Assessments?
Teachers administer Checkpoints for the skills they worked on with students in their Learning Groups that week. For example, if you worked with a small group of students on comparing three-digit numbers, you would pull and administer the appropriate Checkpoint for that standard. Note, most teachers administer Checkpoints to ALL students in their class (often as a quick entry/exit task) a few days AFTER instruction to ensure ALL students are retaining these foundational skills throughout the year.
Teachers often work directly with at least two small learning groups each week during their weekly MasterTrack data day (working with one small group during a first rotation and then another small group during a second rotation - while all other students work on practice or enrichment standards). If the two groups you worked with worked on different standards, you would administer two Checkpoints for that week - one for each standard worked on. Again, our strong recommendation is to administer these Checkpoints whole group to ensure ALL students are retaining these skills throughout the year.
MasterTrack provides a bank of Checkpoint Assessments for teachers to use, however any worksheet or check-in a teacher uses to assess a specific skill can be considered a “Checkpoint”. For example, some teachers might simply write three problems on the board at the beginning of class for students to solve on paper at their desk. Teachers then collect and grade the responses and enter the scores into MasterTrack according to our simple 3-point standards-based grading scale.
How do I score Checkpoint Assessments?
Checkpoints typically consist of three quick questions related to a specific standard. Like our Benchmark Assessment, Checkpoints are scored according to our simple 3-point standards-based grading scale:
Our Checkpoint Assessments provide easy-to-use scoring rubrics. If you are using your own assessments, you can simply enter that data into MasterTrack using the same simple 3-point standards-based grading scale.
How do I enter/edit my Checkpoint data?
Once you have administered and scored your weekly Checkpoint(s), click on Add New Checkpoint in the cycle graphic on your dashboard screen. This will allow you to add a new Checkpoint field into your Checkpoint Scoresheet. Describe the Checkpoint field you would like to add (date, grade level of the standard you assessed, etc.). Click Save if you are only adding one new Checkpoint field to your Scoresheet OR click Save and Add Another if you would like to add multiple Checkpoint fields. Then simply click and enter the data to complete the Checkpoint fields you have added.
To change or edit any Checkpoint scores, simply access your Checkpoint Scoresheet and click on any of the scores you need to edit. Click on the name of the Checkpoint along the top of your Scoresheet to edit any information about that Checkpoint (e.g., date administered, name, etc.). Click on Delete Checkpoint if you would like to remove the entire Checkpoint field. Note, this action cannot be undone.
Can I sort Checkpoint data by date/standard and by student first/last name?
Yes! Click on the Checkpoints tab on the teacher menu bar and select Checkpoint Scoresheet. Locate the Order Checkpoints By toggle above your Scoresheet to sort your data by date or standard. To sort by student first/last name, simply locate the Sort Students By toggle above your students’ names to select how you would like to sort your students.
Can I see a list of ALL the Checkpoints I’ve administered so far or ALL the standards I’ve assessed to date?
Yes! Click on the Checkpoints tab on the teacher menu bar and select List of Checkpoints. This will display a list of all the Checkpoints you have administered so far. To see which standards you have assessed to date - and how many times you have assessed each one, simply select Checkpoints by Standard as your display option. By default, the Benchmark Assessment is not included in this count, but you can include it by selecting Include Benchmarks near the top right corner above your list of Checkpoints.
Do I have to put a score in for every student?
No. MasterTrack Checkpoints (or any other short formative assessments you have chosen to use) are usually administered whole group. However, in some cases you may decide to only follow up with a select group of students. In which case, you can simply administer the relevant Checkpoint to only those select students and just enter that data.
Join us for a quick overview of where to access Checkpoint Assessments. (~2 min)
Join us for a quick overview of how to grade Checkpoint Assessments. (~1.5 min)
Join us for a quick overview of how to enter Checkpoint Data. (~2 min)
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